I didn’t grow up Methodist, so Camp Sumatanga wasn’t part of my childhood. But after moving to Oneonta when our children were small – and becoming Methodist – Camp became a special part of my life when the children attended. Even after we moved two hours away, going on my Emmaus Walk brought a renewed connection for the last thirty-six years that makes it still seem like `coming home’.

Some of my special memories are connected to the Family Life Retreats from Tuscumbia FUMC that were held over weekends at Camp. Grilling our own steaks down by the lake was awesome! And for a time when Ann Horton was Executive Director, Bud and I would act as guest hosts for a weekend. Quite possibly one of the most special times was spending the weekend in the Speakers’ Prayer Chapel for Walk #165. It colored my life forever. I’m so thankful for Camp and for having it be `mine, too’!


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