Join Us in Making a Difference!!

Whether you’ve been part of Camp Sumatanga before or you’re just learning about us, your involvement can help shape the future of our community. Together, let’s build a space where campers young and old can connect, grow, and thrive for years to come.  Our goal is to raise $150,000 to support current and future projects.

   Your 2024 Gifts will support camp projects like

  • Cabin Renovations - Cabin renovations are underway to revitalize Pool Camp, with the capacity to accommodate 28 campers per cabin. The new bathrooms will be ADA-compliant, enhancing the camp experience for those who need accessible facilities. Estimated Cost: $75,000 per cabin.
  • McKinney-Atkins Dining Hall RenovationsThe McKinney-Atkins Dining Hall is the place where everyone gathers for celebrations and special meals.  The doors that welcome everyone into this space are in desperate need of replacing. Estimated Cost: $4,000
  • Pool Repairs - Our gunite pool is showing years of use and love from our campers and is in need of repair.  Afterall, what is camp without a swimming pool!?! Estimated Cost: $25,000
  • Pool Improvements for ADA Compliance - Our special needs camps are designed to welcome individuals of all abilities. To better support campers who use mobility aids, we aim to purchase a hydraulic lift. Estimated Cost: $10,000





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